Will God accept me as I am?

Does God accept people no matter their race, gender, sexuality, identity?
Can we be or are we already acceptable to God?
What does it even mean to be 'accepted' by God?

Over 100 people from Dubbo have attended our 'Intro to Jesus' series in the last 2 years.

It answers big questions like "How do we know Jesus existed?" and "Why am I here?"

We'd love you to join us for our next Intro to Jesus series.

You might be surprised at what you find!


Chat Now

We have a Facebook group specifically for people who are new to Jesus or asking questions.
It's a safe place to ask a question or make a comment.
No question is too big or too small.
If you'd prefer to ask a confidential question, click here to chat 1-1 with one of our team via Messenger.
If we can't answer your question straight away we'll link you up with someone appropriate.